Public Netbase:
Non Stop Future

New Practices in Art and Media

Non Stop Future Cover

Editors: Branka .ur.i., Zoran Panteli. / New Media

Published 2008

Publisher: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst

ISBN: 978-3-86588-455-8

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Open Letter to Michael Häupl, Mayor of Vienna, and the Vienna City Government - Wide Support for Public Netbase

More than other institutions, Public Netbase has been severely affected by the political changes of recent years.

Vienna, May 6, 2004

The importance of Public Netbase as participative platform in the digital age and as interface between art, culture and the information society is beyond dispute. Over the past years, the broad range of new media projects and events produced by Public Netbase have provided an important contribution to Vienna's cultural trajectory.

More than other institutions, Public Netbase has been severely affected by the political changes of recent years. Today as in 2000, the existence of Public Netbase is under permanent threat. It was its unequivocal position on cultural policies, and its critical art and culture work, that lead to Public Netbase's eviction from the Museumsquartier. Ever since then, Public Netbase has been struggling with locational problems.

The signatories of this letter wish to express their grave concern about the fact that Public Netbase's international importance and standing is still not being met by a corresponding provision of secure basic conditions.

We request the Vienna City Government to secure the basic conditions for successful work in art, culture and new media, as stipulated by the municipal council's resolutions of 2000 and 2001.

Anton Pelinka (Universität Innsbruck)

asylkoordination österreich

Cornelia Kogoj (Initiative Minderheiten)

Christian Reder (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien)

Dachverband der Filmschaffenden

Dietmar Steiner (Architekturzentrum Wien)

Doron Rabinovici (Schriftsteller)

F.E. Rakuschan (Medientheoretiker)

Gerald Matt (Kunsthalle Wien)

Georg Schöllhammer (springerin)

Gerald Raunig (Europ. Inst. f. Progressive Kulturpolitiken)

Gewerkschaft - Kunst, Medien, Sport, Freie Berufe

Hans Hurch (Viennale)

IG Autorinnen Autoren

IG Bildende Kunst

IG Freie Theaterarbeit

IG Kultur Österreich

Katharina Gsöllpointner (Kulturwissenschafterin)

Julia Perschon (ÖH Uni Wien)

Kurt Einzinger (Internet-Experte)

Lioba Reddeker (basis wien)

Marlene Streeruwitz (Schriftstellerin, Regisseurin)

Martin Hagn (ARGE Österreichischer Jugendzentren)

Monika Mokre (Kulturwissenschafterin)


ÖH Bundesvertretung

Österreichischer Musikrat

Peter Rantasa (mica)

Peter Zawrel (Wiener Filmfonds)

Sabine Breitwieser (Generali Foundation)


Siegfried Mattl (Universität Wien)

Sigrid Gareis (Tanzquartier Wien)

Tasos Zembylas (Inst. f. Kulturmanagement und Kulturwissenschaft)

Stella Rollig (Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz)

Übersetzergemeinschaft; Verband Freier Radios Österreich

Verein Black*Box*Systems

Veronika Ratzenböck (Kulturdokumentation)

VOICE - Verband der Sprecher und Darsteller

Wolfgang Zinggl (Depot)